Keith’s GoutPal Story 2020 Forums Please Help My Gout! UASure test kit question

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    I'm about to purchase the meter, extra box of lancets and extra box of strips.  DOes anyone know if I need to purchase the “control solution too?”


    I am not an expert, but here is what I know…

    Basically the control solution lets you determine how a new box of test strips will read and it will let you know if the test machine is experiencing problems. For example. In one box of my test strips the control solution read 5.8 (batch #6516) and another batch of test strips (#6518) read 5.9. This lets you know if there is a difference in how each batch will read. This is also why each batch of test strips comes with a its own circuit card to insert into the reader so that it will read as consistantly as possible. Always make sure your circuit card matches the test strip you are using.

    I suggest testing each new batch of test strips before first use. If your numbers start to change radically after reading pretty consistantly for a long time (either high or low) or if your reader behaves in any way unusual, you should do another control strip to make sure its your uric acid levels and not the reader. (note the machine also comes with a two ended circuit card that will verify basic system functionality.)

    You shouldnt need the control solution very often. Mostly its there to help if you feel something is wrong. After the initial facination, you shouldnt be testing your uric acid more than once a week or so to keep an eye on your numbers. If an attack happens – you might test to find out how high it got before you felt it. Actual control solution tests are maybe twice a year.


    Thank you for response.  Does the UASure kit come with the control solution? or do I have to add that to the cart seperately?  I just dont want to purchase it seperately if it already comes with the kit.


    You have to buy it seperately. However, one bottle will last you years and years.


    Ok, I'm annoyed! Paypal will not work for me with this company.  I keep getting the following error everytime I try to send a payment: “We cannot process your payment at this time. Please retry your purchase with a different payment method. Contact PayPal Customer Service if you need further assistance.”  I call Paypal CS and they said that due to certain security protocol they have in place payment will not be accepted and there is no way to over ride it.

    Seeing that I live in the US, I'm not comfortable giving my credit card number out to a foreign company (regardless of their reputable status).  Any ideas?  Can I order this stuff from somewhere else?


    Can I suggest you contact

    You should be able to send payment from PayPal direct to them using an email address, and ask Arctic Medical to complete the order when that payment goes through.

    If  you get no joy, send me a private message, and I will chase it with my contact.


    Hi GP.  I just put it through on a CC.  Hopefully no one steals my millions! j/k!

    Thank you for the quick


    Well I got my kit yesreday.  I used up the 5 strips it came with pretty quick (within 2 hours).  Results were as follows

    Strip 1.- Used control solution (reading fell within the range on the wrapper)

    Strip 2- Lo

    Strip 3- 3.5

    Strip 4- 6.5

    Strip 5- A buddy of mine used it (6.0)

    I purchesed an extra pack of test strips, however the control reading does NOT fall within the appropriate ranges (yes I've inserted the new chip too :)).  I've tested 8-10 with the control solution an only 1 has fallen within range.  The others are simply reading 5.7-7.0.  I've contacted the manufacturer and am hoping they will send me another box. Anyways, just for fun  tested myself with the strips and here are the readings:

    Strip 1- 13.5

    Strip 2- 8.0

    Strip 3- 10.0


    Sounds like these kits are about as good as sticking your finger in the air to estimate wind speed.

    “Pick a number, any number, from one to 10!”


    Yeah just test again this morning.  Controled showed a 7.0 (which is about 1.5+ too high).  My readining was 8.0…but who knows how bad that was skewed


    Just heard back from Arctic Medical.  They said that they have had no claims about that particular batch being defective, but they would send me another box of test stripts to try…so at least they have very good customer service! Has anyone else had any issues with the control readings?


    cjeezy said:

    Just heard back from Arctic Medical.  They said that they have had no claims about that particular batch being defective, but they would send me another box of test stripts to try…so at least they have very good customer service! Has anyone else had any issues with the control readings?

    There is an extensive topic on uric acid monitor results.

    I really need to summarize it sometime, but yes – there are good and bad points.

    The main point for me seems to be that it takes a while to get used to taking consistent tests.

    It is a long thread, but we finally got to an acceptable uric acid test result. You really need to read it all.


    You can now purchase the UASure kits directly from a website that ships from the US. They offer free US Shipping via first class mail to. Go to uric acid test kit? This is the best deal on the internet now for gout sufferers in the US who want to use the UASure Uric Acid monitoring system.


    You can now purchase the UASure kits directly from a website that ships from the US. They offer free US Shipping via first class mail to. Go to uric acid test kit? This is the best deal on the internet now for gout sufferers in the US who want to use the UASure Uric Acid monitoring system.


    Thank you, Keith J. This is one of the best, most useful recent news on our forum.

    Keith Taylor

    hansinnm said:


    Thank you, Keith J. This is one of the best, most useful recent news on our forum.

    Or the death of it.

    Do we know anything about this company? Are they reliable and trustworthy? I never trust people who use help forums as free advertising to promte their wares without asking.

    The company that have successfully provided the UAsure meters for several years have done so with good aftersales support.

    I wonder if Utubelite has consented to his words being used as testimonials on the website. I certainly have not.

    It is very easy for dodgy companies with some working capital to destroy existing markets and then put their prices up.

    Anyone tempted to deal with a company with such lack of principles needs to think about the consequences of their actions.

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