Gout Pain Relief Patches

Pain relieving patches for Gout

Stopping Gout Together Forums Help My Gout! The Gout Forum Pain relieving patches for Gout

  • This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 6 years ago by d q.
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  • Author
    • #3200
      Robert Brazee

      I’m a 63-year-old male who’s had gout for 15 years.

      In my case, Predisone or MethylPREDNIsolone gets rid of the pain and swelling in 6-8 hours depending on when You catch it. Long-term predisone I know is not the answer.

      I’ve become a vegetarian and drink beer. My outbreaks are not severe anymore. I steam veggies then add tomato sauce on them.

      On most recent flare up which of course happens during the night I applied a pain relieving patch on my big toe joint and 2 hours later I could walk pain free. Before I would use Acetaminophen for pain but it can cause damage to your liver if you overuse it. So now I use the patches. It says for minor aches and pain relief. The patches are used primarily for the shoulders, upper and lower back. But I cut mine down to fit my toe.

      There’s no pain but the uric acid crystals are still in the joint and depending on what activities you do there could be some swelling throughout the day. The patches last for 8 hours and is basically a pain relieving ointment on a breathable cloth. People on blood thinners like myself cannot by certain patches because one of the ingredients is a NSAID But there are other brands without that ingredient so read the drug facts!!

      Gout Pain Relief Patches

      Which are the best patches for relieving your gout pain?

    • #3202
      Keith Taylor

      Hi Robert,

      I’m intrigued to know which pain relieving patches you are using for your gout pain. Also, what is the active ingredient(s) that help you recover from a gout attack.

      But, most of all, I’m concerned that you are ignoring uric acid crystals. Because, those crystals increase every day, even when you have no gout pain. So, eventually, your burden of old uric acid crystals becomes so big, it will break you. Then, as you get older, it becomes harder to recover from gout.

      Therefore, I strongly recommend that you start a plan to get your uric acid safe, as soon as possible. So, your doctor should help you with that. But, if you want extra help, just post here whenever you want.

      Learning Gout Together image

      Let’s learn to control your gout.

    • #3305
      d q

      Hi Robert, I too would like to know what pain relieving patches you are using for gout? Cheers.

    • #3323

      <Hi Robert,

      Iโ€™m intrigued to know which pain relieving patches you are using for your gout pain. Also, what is the active ingredient(s) that help you recover from a gout attack.strong>

      Hey all. Been on vacation but still following up with you all. Anyway, if it’s like most pain relieving patches, it’s more than likely a topical Lidocaine patch. Lidocaine has some really good analgesic qualities and is good for short term pain management, especially for those who don’t like opiate based, oral pain medication.

      But as you state, it’s not doing anything for the root cause of the issue itself. Robert, eventually those short term pain patches will not be sufficient.

    • #3330
      d q

      Good to see your back buddy!
      I was wondering where you went! ๐Ÿ™‚

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